Join Date: 01/06/2010 - rsdnation
Name : Mrnase
"you can get more confidence from getting the girl at a night club that you didnt have to pay for. Any my moto is 'shit pussy is better than no pussy'! But hey, we all want the 10!
But to get the ten you need to practice on the shit." <
This guy is obviously a natural, see how he tells people what to do and has no experience? I guess he was born this way. All hail the almighty Mrnace.
We should invite this guy over here. Im sure he can teach us how to live.
The guy is still a virgin
Having watched and listened to as much RSD stuff as I have over the last couple of months I feel I cant learn anymore from this stuff.
I believe its now just a matter of going out at getting on with meeting the girls through approached and progressing as far as I possibly can. Only coming back to this stuff when I am stuck at a certain point to twick and change things slightly to make my 'game' better.
Its time to man the fuck up and get out and do it rather than sitting in from of my pc and wasting my life.
So thanks for all the guidance you guys have shown me. keep your fingers crossed that you wont see me here again asking for help or advice. Rather